Divorce an absent spouse

How to initiate a divorce action when your spouse’s whereabouts are unknown Although international travel has been somewhat curtailed recently due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we live in a world where it is common for people to travel and form relationships with citizens of other countries. When these relationships are solemnised in marriage, and then […]

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Divorcing Europe: Brexit and implications for international couples seeking to rely on UK divorce law

Brexit has been likened to a divorce on more than one occasion; like many marriages, the UK and Europe’s relationship began with high ideals and a desire for harmony. As time progressed, the marriage strained and the partnership has headed for a messy divorce. Amidst volatile politics in the UK, and a global pandemic, many […]

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Online applications in the pipeline for protection orders, divorces: Lamola

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed some silver linings. Justice minister Ronald Lamola announces steps to make it easier to secure uncontested divorces, protection orders and maintenance orders, and measures to increase the fight against domestic violence. Reprinted from Dispatch Live, By Andisiwe Makinana – 2020-07-23 New laws will provide for online applications for uncontested divorces, child […]

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International South African Divorce (revised)

International South African Divorce Divorce is never easy, and where the spouses have different international locations it can be very complicated. A combative, acrimonious divorce is not in your best interests, but it can be hard to avoid when complex legislation makes it harder to reach an equitable settlement. Regardless of the circumstance, a divorce […]

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Dubai suspends marriage and divorce during virus lockdown

DUBAI – Coronavirus lockdowns may make or break relationships, but in Dubai marriages and divorces have been suspended “until further notice” to avoid gatherings that could spread the disease. File: Couples in Dubai who have already completed marriage formalities must not organise wedding parties “even among their immediate circles”. Freeimages Dubai’s justice department said that the […]

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International South African Divorce

Guide to divorce

Are you a South African married couple living abroad needing to divorce? Do you need to get divorced from abroad? Perhaps you own property or have a child in South Africa that needs to be protected? You may have a lot of questions about the process and costs of getting divorced under your unique international […]

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