International and multicultural child care and contact

The importance of cultural sensitivity Child care and contact is always a delicate matter in any divorce case, involving bargaining, compromise, high emotional investment and, sometimes, considerable conflict. If one parent decides to relocate to another country after divorce, the negotiations can be even more fraught and complex. Sometimes international relocation will be in pursuit […]

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Emotional intelligence in child care and contact matters

emotional intelligence

Understanding emotional needs    Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability both to manage your own emotions and to understand, interpret and respond to the emotions of people around you. EI is a critical skill for parents engaged in child care and contact disputes. Both attorneys and parents must demonstrate empathy and patience when addressing children’s fears and concerns in a […]

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Co-parenting after divorce

Child care and contact

Parental rights and responsibilities Nothing causes more conflict and heartache in a divorce case than the issue of child care and contact, also known as custody and access (though the Children’s Act has officially changed those terms to place the emphasis on the rights of the child). Financial arrangements may cause arguments, but care and […]

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