Revolutionising child care post divorce

New strategies for modern families The concept of “family” is changing. It no longer automatically implies a heterosexual couple and 2.4 children. Same-sex couples adopt or have their own children, either through donor insemination or surrogacy. As more marriages end in divorce, we see more blended families as individuals find new life partners, with or […]

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Custody of the pet?

Pets and divorce – what does the law say? We’ve all heard of child custody battles, but pet custody? In the maelstrom of divorce proceedings, the living arrangements of the cat or dog can seem like a trivial concern. Working out complex financial settlements and resolving the highly emotional subject of child custody can often […]

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Co-parenting after divorce

Child care and contact

Parental rights and responsibilities Nothing causes more conflict and heartache in a divorce case than the issue of child care and contact, also known as custody and access (though the Children’s Act has officially changed those terms to place the emphasis on the rights of the child). Financial arrangements may cause arguments, but care and […]

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