Lobola and the law

These are the legal and financial implications of lobola which you need to think about before the process Reprinted from iol.com, by Sihle Mlambo and Vernon Pillay – 2024-12-02 Many South Africans may not be aware of the serious and legal ramifications of partaking in the cultural practice of lobola. To be on the safe side, […]

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Marriage out of community without the accrual: what is it and what are the implications?

This marriage regime may be a good fit for couples getting remarried later in life. Image: Shutterstock In an out of community of property marriage, there is no joining of the spouses’ estates into one joint estate, meaning that each spouse retains full control and contractual capacity of their estate which includes all assets and […]

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How to ensure your marriage survives the lockdown

Marriage counsellor Chantal Ferreira gives tips on how to strengthen your marriage during the lockdown and avoid divorce.  Happy couple dancing An image showing married couples lined up to go to the divorce court is doing the rounds on social media. Although some people found the image hilarious, for some married couples, it is going […]

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Marriage fraudsters could have their citizenship revoked

Motsoaledi targets marriages of convenience Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi is set to crack down on marriages of convenience, often pursued for immigration purposes, as he ushers in a complete revamp to the Marriage Act, Customary Marriages Act and Civil Union Act. The single marriage law is due to come into effect next year. This […]

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Considering divorce?

Things to consider when considering divorce If your marriage has broken down irretrievably and you honestly believe you and your spouse would be better off going your separate ways, you have probably reached the stage of considering divorce. But perhaps you are just feeling unhappy, bored, dissatisfied or demotivated. Every relationship goes through difficult times […]

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