Securing a fair settlement

Innovative financial strategies in divorce  Divorce is a complex and emotional process, especially when it comes to dividing finances and assets. A settlement perceived as fair by both parties lets them move forward with financial stability and without smouldering resentment. But asset division is rarely a smooth process, even in marriages in community of property […]

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Hidden assets in family trusts

Beware of the misuse of trusts in a divorce case Divorce is never pleasant. Where there is a lot at stake financially, and particularly if the divorce is acrimonious, some spouses will attempt to keep certain assets out of the joint estate to avoid equitable distribution of assets and retain more than their fair share. […]

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Retirement funds and divorce

The division of assets where a retirement fund or multiple retirement funds are involved is complicated. Reprinted from Moneyweb by Eric Jordaan – Crue Invest (Pty) Ltd Image: Shutterstock Divorces can be complicated, especially when it comes to the division of assets where a retirement fund or multiple retirement funds are involved. As it currently […]

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The financial implications of divorce

Divorce finance implications

Divorce is more than the end of a relationship Divorce is, first and foremost, an emotional event. Or is it? Historically, marriage was often not about love, but about property. Marriage was a foundation of economic and social stability. Marriages were frequently enacted to strengthen alliances or consolidate wealth or land. Marriage formed the basis […]

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Calculating the pension interest on divorce

Pension interest on divorce

Unpacking the complexities of claiming a share of your member spouse’s pension interest. Reprinted from Moneyweb, by Eric Jordaan – 2022-08-24 Retirement funds and property generally rank as a couple’s most valuable assets and yet, when it comes to divorce, it remains surprising how much time couples spend fighting over the smaller stuff. Further, given […]

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