Divorce can be Difficult Emotionally & Financially

I understand that divorce is a difficult crossroad in your life, where circumstances require you and your partner to make the difficult decision to separate.

As an attorney passionate about family law, I strive to help people who are considering divorce by handling their legal issues involving: property division, maintenance and, where applicable, child access and custody.


From the very start I strive to estimate and clarify the scheduled process required to get you divorced, and ideally, outline a foreseeable result for you. I believe that a mature atmosphere will help produce an amicable settlement, as well as, healthy closure for you in the long run.

If you have even a slightest idea that divorce may be on the horizon, getting good legal advice from a Divorce Attorney and preparing for the worst can give you a significant advantage should a divorce situation arise.

Contact a Divorce Attorney to protect your interests

Good knowledge and preparation are the best way to protect your interests and enable you to act quickly and decisively should the need arise.

Meeting with Divorce Attorneys South Africa can help you to:

  • Prepare yourself to make decisions backed by solid legal opinions,
  • Gather the many financial and legal documents required to protect your interests,
  • Act quickly and decisively should the need arise,
  • Have funds ready instantly to meet legal costs should the situation arise, and
  • Find and brief the best legal team possible – once you have shared confidential information, your legal team can no longer accept your spouse as a client 

Let Divorce Attorneys South Africa Protect Your Interests

Hiring experienced divorce lawyers in South Africa is the best way to improve your divorce outcome and settlement.

Divorce Attorneys South Africa has many years of experience – let us advise you on your options and help you devise the best strategy for your situation.

You deserve the best divorce advice possible – contact us now to arrange an appointment with leading divorce lawyers in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban.

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