The court as upper guardian of minor children

Protecting children’s best interests As family lawyers, we talk repeatedly about “the best interests of the child”. This is the principle that informs and underpins the Children’s Act and should be the first priority in any divorce where children as involved. It’s reasonable to expect parents to put the best interests of their children before […]

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Revolutionising child care post divorce

New strategies for modern families The concept of “family” is changing. It no longer automatically implies a heterosexual couple and 2.4 children. Same-sex couples adopt or have their own children, either through donor insemination or surrogacy. As more marriages end in divorce, we see more blended families as individuals find new life partners, with or […]

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Choosing a school for your child

Choosing a school

School choice can be a bone of contention for divorced parents When a couple with children divorces, their relationship does not end. They must continue to communicate and share responsibility for their children’s care and upbringing. And that includes school selection. In some locations, the choice of school is obvious. In a rural area there […]

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Rights of grandparents

Grandparents rights

When parents divorce or die, what rights do grandparents have towards their grandchildren? When couples with children divorce, there is understandably a focus on the arrangements made for the children. A lot of time and effort is spent on ensuring a fair division of care and contact between the parents. Unfortunately, the rights of grandparents […]

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